At Whittemore we continue to offer programming that supports the physical and mental wellbeing of our community from tai chi and yoga classes to meditative walks and relaxing garden concerts. Over the past years, I think we have all gained a greater appreciation for the outdoors. Whittemore’s miles of beautiful publicly available nature trails provide the opportunity for everyone to improve their health, to get out and move. Don’t forget to reserve your community garden plot. Gardening has been proven to reduce depression and anxiety, combat high blood pressure and improve overall fitness.
Come out, celebrate and enjoy what we have to offer at
Whittemore CCC!
- Dr. Ellen Ganek, MD
To be fully in nature, absent of thought, is to become nature. Like a drop of rain that falls into the sea, you dissolve into your surroundings and everything personal, the veil that separates us, lifts to reveal the essential unity of all things. We can know intellectually that we are made of Earth, Sun, Air, Rain. We can know that we ourselves are truly the planet itself living and breathing, but without a direct connection with Nature, that is all abstract. Walking the trails of the Whittemore Preserve and stopping intermittently to look and listening and feel into nature, letting the ‘Moment’ catch up to us is a gift. Taking the time to place your palm against a tree trunk or to reach into the stream and feel the cool water flow through your hands, breathing, experiencing life intimately, this is a Zen moment, a peak experience. I believe many of could use more time in nature, physicians should prescribe it, we drive by it all the time on the way to some far less fulfilling experience.
- Carl Klemme

At WhittemoreCCC we offer you a variety of weekly Wellness & Nature classes, quarterly Mindfulness Walks, Family Programs, Special Wellness Programs, Spring & Fall Yoga Retreat, our Meditation Circuit, 11 miles of trails, Monthly Wellness Salons and this year we will be introducing our Labyrinth.
But, more importantly when the weather permits, our classes are outdoors, in nature, whether its the Gardens of Whittemore, Pumpkin Field or in the Rockaway Stream -
we provide you with an experience like no other!
Monthly Wellness Salon
(1st Saturday of every month @ 9:30am)
Join us to connect with fellow members of
our community over organic coffee, tea & fresh pastries, learn some insights on specific health topics from our nutritionist, and listen to guest speakers while they educate us on their field of practice.
And the best part - they are FREE!
Click HERE for details & to RSVP
Mindfulness Meditation Circuit
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"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."
- John Muir
with Yafit Yaron
“Pilates is complete coordination of body,
mind and spirit.”
with Carl Klemme
Tai Chi & QiGong are both ancient Chinese traditions that relieve stress and increase energy, combining slow, deliberate movements, meditation, and breathing exercises.